Our kitchen doesnt have a pantry, as it is at the end of the great room that is our loft. We decided to dedicate a wall in our home office (just off the living room) to pantry, extra pans, and chest freezer, as we do not have a garage.
We bought a great can organizer from Shelf Reliance, and so did my In-Laws. My husband put theirs together and it was literally a pain in his neck, so he put off putting ours together. The boxes the can rack were in got shoved in a corner and used as a surface for the last 3 years.
The biggest problem is that the home office has been a chaotic hot mess pretty much since we moved in. I have cleaned up parts of it but never got the room finished, and there was never room to assemble the rack to get it into place.
A few weeks ago, we invested in an Expedit shelf from IKEA for my daughter's toys in the living room, with that, I was able to move some things out of the office, and got inspired to do more and more.
First, I cleaned, without trying to organize, I just put things in the dresser, shelf, or box they belonged in and got the floor clean. As I cleaned I chose items to get rid of, to relocate and to trash. Eventually the room was clean enough to move things around and build the can rack!
So without further ado, Here are some pics.
This was before much cleaning.
The black book case in the corner was dedicated for food until we finished the pantry wall. The food, as you can see, overflowed onto my husband's book shelf on the left and a misc book case on the right. (and all over the room, this pic shows after moving 2 shelves of books out to the Expedit, and putting food from around the room on those shelves for the time being)
This was after quite a bit of cleaning but no recent organization.
I had donated a bag of WIC babyfood to the Stamp Out Hunger program when the postal carriers take food donations, but was able to box up another 2 bundles to take to the post office a few days later.
The corned where the can rack would go had been cleaned up
We recently did some rearranging in our bedroom, which meant my husband's computer no longer fit, but a dresser across the room would, so we moved it out and moved the gift wrap dresser (above) over to where it was.
We pulled the can rack out and Hubby, Ellie and I assembled it.
Assembling the can rack required evaluating my cans, adding contact paper to the shelves, and getting a top cut to fit. (the top is an extra accessory you can buy but we just had plywood cut at The Home Depot.)
We moved it into place and filled it up!
Check out other products here.
Here are some close-ups
On top are larger food items, cereal, chips and popcorn tub, cookies and crackers. Behind are a pan that I do use but rarely and a refillable water jug.
The rack came with the perfect little magnet labels for the spots.
Extra magnet labels are on the side of the freezer near by. (I do not expect them to stay so neat, my daughter loves magnets!)
The top shelf houses all my baking supplies. Much of it is in Tupperware I invested in years ago, some are in recycled containers and the polka dot bins are from the dollar tree. The only baking supplies not shown are my sprinkles, cookie cutters, colors etc which are up in my kitchen.
See them most recently
HERE or in a
n old post about this wall is HERE and another really old post about this wall
The bottom drawer holds all my larger appliances (I have an orange juicer, hand beater, and space for a toaster in a cabinet in my kitchen). My KitchenAid stand mixer and Kuerig stay on the counter.
The wire shelf that was on this wall had some purging done, relocating done and shifted over a bit to make room. (before picture above)
I hung some Command hooks above the rack for my less often used hang-able pots. Here is a tip for you, check to be sure that the hook will fit inside the pan handle hole or you'll have one mis-matched hook for the smaller handle hole. Speaking of hooks, the can rack came with some hooks to hang items from the corners. I have lunch boxes hanging near the bottom. Neither of us work outside the home, but they are great for taking snacks for the day at the park.
Top shelf holds excess spices, sauces, and salad dressing.
The next shelf holds a bin for candy making stuff (melting bags, sticks, and small packages of candy melts) next to that, 2 pickle jars of candy melting disks and a shaker. on the far right is a bin of (mostly homemade) jams jellies and syrups
Below that is a bin of condiments (my daughter stole the label and my label maker died on my last label so that can wait), pasta and a bin of pasta sauces and more pasta.
on these shelves are bins for drink powders, ziplocks/foil/saran wrap, and a bin of candy (which was purged through to get rid of anything we wont eat). Below that are more ziplocks (they were on sale!), some misc items and some casserole dishes.
The bottom row holds large cans, a pitcher and some baking pans, The white organizer holding them up is actually designed as a vertical shelf spice rack type thing. I had it from my old apartment 4 years ago (I hoard organizing tools). I zip-tied it to the shelf.
On the floor are over-sized pans and some more cake pans.
Next to the wire rack is my chest freezer. I wish I had a stand-up freezer, but this was a gift from someone who won it, so I am very grateful for it. I have
organized it countless times, its a pain to keep organized if it is full.
This is a "During" picture. That wire rack above the freezer was just tossed up there one day. I used to hang my clothes drying rack up there on a Command Hook when it wasnt used, but it is being used most of the time now that it has warmed up outside. The rack was a catch-all and didnt really sit right on the single command hook. I emptied it and took it down.
The command hook now holds a picnic basket, and it bugs me slightly that the hook is off center since we had to shift the freezer to fit the can rack, but I digress.
The blue shoe organizer on the back of the door in the picture above was decluttered also. It has always been a place to put things that dont really have a place, or that do not belong to me. I purged some things and found home for other things.
After. Im not sure if this will stay here, or be relocated, we dont have closets or a bedroom door, so there arent other doors for it to hang on, I have an idea for another wall in this room. We will see.
So I cant express on this blog how happy to finally have this finished! The bonus is I was able to pull some items from the kitchen that were better suited in here so I have some empty space in the kitchen to work with now!
I cannot wait to show you the rest of the room as we finish it!